Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Neverwinter: The plague of Revenge

The group makes there way to the Guild. The Dwarf stays behind refusing to even talk to them. As the group approches they see a large crubling castle being guarded by 5 Shadows.
Once the group defeats the shadows they make their way inside. Once in there the group comes across random reanimated corpse doing rather mundane tasks. As they continue to the main room they see a group in black talking in draconic. The group decides to let them finish. Finally the one that appears to be the leader faces the group and removes his hood revealing he was a djinn. "Why do you seek us out?"
Atla explains. "We are trying to stop this plague. If you know anything about who is behind it please..."
"if you seek our help you must do something for us first. Bring us The Ring of Djinn'll find it in a black dragon's hoard at the base of this mountian."
Atla nodded. "Very well." She left and made her way towards the base of the mountian. The group made their way to the cave and made their way to the back of the cave and before them was a sleeping great black dragon. It had thet ring on its tail. The mage reaches in her pack and pulled out a pack of gems. "This will make any red dragon envy your hourd all we all is for that ring."
The dragon looked at Atla who had smokey perched on her shoulder and looked at her. "You with the whelplin, you may take the ring. you toss me the gems. The rest leave."
After returning to the Guild and giving them the ring the Djinn speaks. "All i can give you now is his name...Edwin Tolstiff."

The group returns to camp and finds it sacked. Atla shakes her head and starts for her tent a noise from the bushes stops her cold. She draws her poison daggers as she turns towards the noise. 3 zombies, 2 vampiers and 1 ghoul enter the camp. Atla sighs after the fight. "Everyone...o...k....nevermind your all bleeding."
The mage suggests they head back to town to the university and see if the wizards have a cure. Atla smirked. "If they do they wont give it up for free...offer to take out Edwin and i'll sneak around and if they have it...i'll steal it."
The next day the group awoke in an all too familir inn. Brennan sat up and quickly found herself back laying down as her psudodragon cooed happily and nuzzled her. She picked him up and made her way out of the room. She sat down at the table with Atla. The drow smirked and handed Brennan a scroll. "Its not done but i think you can finish it and sell a copy of it to the apothicary and help these people out sommin fierce. But please take most of the credit...cant ruin my drow reputation you know." They both laughed as the mage took the scroll.

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